Le Originali Bertolotto ®
Design Doors
Laccate a Mano
Laquered Doors
Essenza Legno
Wooden Doors
Effetto Legno
Laminated Doors
Sistemi Filomuro
Flush to wall Doors
Sistemi di Design
Glass and Aluminium Doors
Hotel & Accoglienza
Fireproof Doors
Porte di Sicurezza
Security Doors
Home - Bertolotto's History and Legacy: Made in Italy - News - Fuori dai Saloni | Giugno 2022
On the occasion of the week of Furniture expo we have created an event in our Bertolotto Flagship Store of Milan , in Via Santa Sofia 21. We are waiting for you on June 9th from 18:30 to 22:00 to discover the many newsà arriving.
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