by Riccaro Capocasa , Safety and Environment Manager - Bertolotto SpA
It was 2000 and I was 26 when I decided to join this company. Bertolotto was beginning to structure itself and we immediately began to create a management system for qualityà with reference to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard , certification obtained after two years of hard work.
The company has continued to grow responsibly thanks to new suction systems, a separate collection policy and particular attention to the environment: the conditions for achieving a new goal, that of creating an environmental management system . Thanks to this commitment, in 2007 we also obtained the ISO 14001 certification .
È a continuous evolution for BP which designs new products, constantly improving their quality; and reducing environmental impacts while safeguarding the planet, also thanks to the construction of a photovoltaic system and a biomass power plant. In 2016 BP adds to the others, the FSC ® certification; which guarantees traceability; of products made with raw materials deriving from properly managed forests.
The company expands, invests in technology by replacing 90 # 37 of machinery, completely changes its skin until it also obtains the ISO 45001: 2018 certification in 2018, a management system for health and safety at work .
In my 19 years in BP the rules have changed significantly and Bertolotto is is constantly adapted to these transformations, reaching important goals of which we are proud. Today I am 45 years old and I am still here, waiting for our new project.